Before i was chosen to be one of the brand ambassador of Ettusais,
i'm ashamed to say that i've never knew how to pronouce Ettusais
and what does this really unique brand name really means!
I use to pronouce it as E-tu-sa-is. LOL. :x
How embarassing! thank god my friends around me
didnt know the proper way of pronoucing it as well,
so.. there wasn't anybody around to laugh/correct me!
Miss Fidelis is here to educate you on the brand story of Ettusais,
girls, muahahahah. (...takes out whip, ahem.)

Cut the crap! So how do i pronouce ETTUSAIS?!
It's actually pronouced as "eh-tu-say"
And what is ETTUSAIS and what exactly does it mean?
Ettusais actually mean "YOU KNOW WHAT?"
It's a french expression commonly used amongst girls
when they get together to chat and gossip!
How cool, i never knew that!
From this you can tell that this is a very fun brand
and is targeted at young girls like us!
We can all recall the last time we gossiped and went
" Hey you know what!..yadda yadda yadda.. !"
But when it comes to their products,
Ettusais means serious business!
Many girls have the misconception that the skincare
from Ettusais is always targeted for girls with acne problems!
You're very very wrong indeed!
I've been using their Aqua shooter (a lightweight moisturizer)
for the longest time and i do not even have any serious acne
problem or anything~!
Ettusais's skincare range is suited for everyone
who wants CLEAR, FRESH SKIN!
No more open pores, no more zits, no more OILY SKIN!
My skin was pretty bad when i was still in Secondary school,
(I know.. puberty sucks..)
And at that time i was constantly worried that
the foundation or whatever makeup i use would
worsen my blemish-prone skin!
But i know i donn't have to worry when i'm using Ettusais's products!
Cos their makeup range is loaded with skincare benefits to
take care of your skin while ensuring that you look GREAT!
Even girls with blemish-prone skin wouldn't have to worry
that using the makeup would aggravate their skin!
In fact, it will help treat any problems that you have.
So the more you use Ettusais makeup, the better your skin!
How cool is that!
And now, I'm a loyal fan of their Zero Pore Pact (compact foundation)
and flat design liquid (liquid foundation, i'm just throught my 3rd bottle!)
Yes, all gitls should have different types of foundation for different occasions!
I use Zero pore pact when i need more coverages at times like when i'm breaking out like crazy before my period comes, or for photoshoots.

.. And flat design liquid when i want something lighter on my skin
that can cover my blemishes, to give me a smooth, even and radiant look!
For more information,
head over to http://www.ettusais.sg/ ! (:
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